Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Schedule

I love a good schedule.  I am certainly not a "fly by the seat of her pants" kinda gal.  I like to plan, like to prepare, like to know what's coming up next, avoid chaos if at all possible.  I realize that not all aspects of life can be planned, especially when it comes to raising children, but that doesn't stop me from trying.  

As soon as my daughter was old enough, I had her on a schedule.  Naps were scheduled, feedings scheduled, bath time, book time, then bedtime...all scheduled.  She knew what to expect and happily went along with the schedule.  I have heard many parents complain that their children don't nap regularly, but then they admit that they don't really have a specific nap time.  My daughter's nap time was carved in stone from a very young age.  It's important for her to get the rest she needs to recharge.  It's important for ME to get the down I need to recharge.  Even now as she gets older, we still try to keep things on schedule, but there is a bit more wiggle room.  She knows what to expect, knows what is expected of her. 

That doesn't mean that my daughter doesn't get the freedom to make choices about her life.  On the contrary, I believe she should have lots of freedom of choice.  She can choose what to wear, what books we will read before bed,  bubble bath or regular, what type for fruit/veggie she wants with dinner.  I make sure that she has complete control over some aspects of her life, but there are some things that are not up for debate. 

I applied my love of the schedule to my puppies when I was raising them too.  When puppy-rearing, I have found it to be imperative to have a solid schedule to ensure that potty training goes smoothly (same goes for the kid).  It also helps to let the dog know what is expected of them and what is coming next.  Soon enough, you'll find your pup waiting near the dishes at food time, prancing near the door at potty time, happily squeaking toys at play time, and settling down at rest time.  

I realize that the schedule is not for everyone.  Might seem too rigid, but for us, its been a lifesaver.  And if you've looking for a new favorite bedtime story that incorporates the importance of a schedule, check out the book, "Say Hello to Zorro!" by Carter Goodrich.  Its a delightful story with a fantastic message. 

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